Monday, February 25, 2008

Three boys and a girl

Our weekened was a tad bit busy-- Hunter had a playoff Ballgame-- but they lost.
Here is Hunter's team. Hunter wants bangs so badly, but his hair just doesn't do what all the other boys' does. Hunter's "bangs" seem to take a shape of their own, and he has the "dracula" look here.
Parker also played this weekend. His team has had a losing season, so this was the last game. Parker seems to like being the center of attention, and was really clowning when this picture was made. All I can do is shake my head and hope that he grows out of some of this clowning. I think I know exactly how Brad acted when he was young.

Savannah went to the game too, but she wasn't a real good spectator. I had to walk around outside with her, and keep her entertained. She threw several temper tantrums during Parker's game causing all eyes to be on her. ( She wanted the basket ball) I am sure all those parents were wondering why I was allowing such a sweet little girl to lay on the floor and scream. If she tried to get up, I stopped her, and that made her even angrier. I should have gotten some pics of that!
Brad has had a relatively good weekend. Although I have decided that enough is enough. I will no longer allow him to blame me or yell at me for things that are not my fault.
point and case:
1) Is it MY fault when I scheduled the babysitter two weeks in advance and she doesn't show up?
2) Is it my fault when Parker or Hunter leaves his jacket at school?
3) Is it my fault when Parker didn't tell me he had a project due the next day?
4) Is it my fault when the boys Don't make an "A" ?
Brad takes a lot out on me, and although I have tried
1) listening (while trying not to take anything personally)
2) ignoring him
3) listening and then arguing back--
None of these seem to work. I think he just neds to stop yelling. Period. I didn't grow up in a household that yelled, and even after 13 years of marraige-- I still don't like it when he yells. I honestly believe tha his mother controlled him for so many years-- that he is trying to do the same to me. It is not going to happen. You would think that he would give up after meeting so much resistance. (I guess his head is as hard as mine....)
Savannah is doing much better-- She has decided that yellow is her favorite color. She pitched a fit this morning to wear a yellow shirt. The only problem with that is she doesn't have a yellow shirt. I did have a yellow bow-- and she insisted on wearing it. (With her pink outfit.)
Sigh. She is going to be very high maintenance. I predict that she is going to have twins when she becomes a mom. She always is holding more than one baby. She puts two in her stroller, two in the baby bed, or she sits between two on the floor covered up and pats their backs-- at the same time. I had to laugh the other day-- she had one in the baby stroller, and one in the baby high chair. she had two bowls, and two spoons, and she was taking turns "feeding" each one of them. I tell you- forshadowing..........

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